Community response
Practitioner quotes, shared with permission
“The depth of what is offered in the Nine Bodies map aligns closely with my own decades long and very organic unfolding process. A path forward that allows me to show up for the unfolding with more clarity and specificity and empowerment is a gift beyond measure.”
“I felt very encouraged that there exists a practice and a group of teachers that I am able to resonate with and that inspires me. This is just the beginning. My Faith has been totally rekindled and I am 73 years old. My heart is gladdened. In over 20 years in Dharma, I have never experienced the fullness of this combination, the container, support, wisdom, love, authenticity of the team.”
“I had a direct experience of the truth of my nature. More importantly, I now see my insight practice with fresh eyes: the dimensions of consciousness are what inform and enliven the present moment. And they are available to teach me more and more softening, opening, and receptivity and deeper insight into and embracing of reality as it is.”
“It really helps me deepen my regular Vipassana practice and makes me see in what way I've been complacent. I was able to connect with the now more deeply. The way that the teaching touches my heart is a mystery but an amazing one. That part is the most rewarding aspect of this style and supports/compliments my wisdom practice.”
“The instructions for walking practice with the Physical, Vital, and Emotional Body worked so very well for me. I probably needed the instructions to do them consecutively the first time to really feel the differences in walking patterns in each body. I continued with one body at a time when walking for the rest of the retreat and found It lightened everything up.”
“In each of the retreats i am humbled by being able to ride a long with you teachers as practitioners in your own deepening practice with this material. and the lack of demand that we be right there with you, but the request that we honor our commitment to our practice to be there as best we can. It's so beautiful and loving and generous.
I really really appreciate that you allow us to do the at home retreat in the way that works for our lives. It makes it much more possible to be able to do them.”
“I thank you so much for caring to unify these teachings to the degree that you have so that we can participate in the unfoldment of the cord weaving of these practices.
Embodied consciousness is what the world needs right now in my humble opinion. Needs to return to. Thank you for bringing together the Eastern and western minds, the indigenous and modern ways of relating to Nature and the world we live in and creating a shared community that we can walk into together.”
“This retreat has changed my life in a very profound way with seemingly no effort on my part so the take aways are: let it flow on its own, let it flow, let it flow; don't try to control anything; live in the don't know mind; never judge; I will adopt the 3As* into my life in general; and that there is absolutely no substitute for teachers you feel you can trust. I am forever grateful for the work each of you put into this and for making it so easy for me to experience and learn.”
*The “3As” refers to the Arriving Sequence practice which includes establishing Arriving, Available and Aligning.
“Blessings on all the teachers. I guess I recognize the fact that you are IN practice with us instead of taking the ROLE of teacher. That’s how it feels to me.”
“In general, I was an emotional wreck entering the retreat. The external situation has not changed but taking in every moment of the retreat with an open heart and being 100% available meant that I came out the other end having had an internal tectonic shift that I MUST maintain as best I am able.”
“Unfolding of my capacities has been extraordinary. An awakening, transformational.”
“The space of recognition of a hindrance is the place that practice can occur. The hindrance does not have to be gone to practice. The stillness and steadiness of knowing is available in any body. I am one amalgam of potential becoming energy becoming form on this earth just like every other being is. As a person, I have an array of recognitions coming through my ability to perceive specific dimensions of consciousness that other living beings do not, like plants. All people have their own unique formulation or mixture of this which makes them the human that they are. Great respect and space around individual experience and expression through this recognition. Also more remove from my own story.”
“My experience in the emotional body was a game changer. I physically felt pain in my chest when the wave of excruciating sadness over my daughter arose. But I rode it and it dissipated and the pain in my chest subsided. That "space" and the coming/going aspect in the emotional body has given me a new ability to deal with this difficult situation without having to rely on drugs, alcohol, or any other means of escape.”
“I have spent most of my adult life doing and participating in psychotherapy and practicing Qigong and Insight Meditation. I feel like this model has everything I have ever sought. I know I am home now.”
I found a way to accept more fully the ouch of dukkha, to see it as a learning place, and to more fully "know" the 4 Noble Truths.
“Implications of the 3As* are far-reaching than I initially thought and much deeper practice than I imagined. Encouragement to trust our intuitions. Practicing practice, light touch.”
*The “3As” refers to the Arriving Sequence practice which includes establishing Arriving, Available and Aligning.