Created in response to the enthusiasm of a community of practitioners.
Dharma Ground is rooted in the Buddha’s teachings (dharma) of ethics, meditative training, and wisdom. We offer retreats and classes exploring the “Naturally Arising Clarity” path of practice. This method offers a highly practical approach to finding freedom and meaning in life as well as supporting greater access to the mysterious dimensions of consciousness. The primary teaching method is guided meditations in which one starts with the felt sense and direct knowing rather than concepts. The non-profit Dharma Ground was created in response to the enthusiasm of a community of practitioners and is dedicated to stewarding and sharing this approach to liberation of the heart and mind with all those interested.
The “Naturally Arising Clarity” path of practice is a cohesive collection of Insight meditative practices including the Arriving Sequence, the Twelve Insights of the Four Noble Truths, and the Nine Bodies Insight practice.
Arriving Sequence — a preliminary practice, done before turning towards objects, which establishes the First Ground through the steps of Arriving, Available, and Aligning.
The Twelve Insights of the Four Noble Truths — The Four Noble Truths are the Buddha’s first teaching, said to contain the sum of all of his teachings. Based on one of the oldest Theravada texts, there is a rarely taught practice of utilizing the Four Noble Truths to attain Twelve Insights that bring freedom and well-being. These insights prescribe a radically different way for us, with our vulnerability and fear, to engage with life just as it is and find joy even in the midst of suffering.
Nine Bodies Insight — The Nine Bodies map describes the capacities of consciousness, which are often only partially recognized (or completely unrecognized) even among long-term practitioners. The Nine Bodies Insight practice explores the nature of consciousness itself and utilizes this map to balance, refine, and empower one’s Insight Meditation practice.
The “Naturally Arising Clarity” path of practice also includes meditative practices to explore core topics in the dharma such as concentration, awareness, and liberation as well as topics that may be particularly relevant to householders such as relatedness, innocence, and choice. This collection of Insight practices and frameworks were created by Phillip Moffitt out of insights arising from his practice and are continuing to be developed and refined by him along with Dana DePalma and Tuere Sala. Together these practices offer a new way of practicing Insight Meditation, which many practitioners are finding valuable and transformational. The enthusiastic response to this practice method led to the decision to create the nonprofit, Dharma Ground.
We are inspired and influenced by the Thai Forest Tradition of Theravada Buddhism. Phillip’s primary teacher is Ajahn Sumedho from whom he learned the Twelve Insights of the Four Noble Truths. Most importantly, we honor the Buddha.
Phillip learned the Nine Bodies map of consciousness from Sri Swami Balyogi Premvarni at his ashram in Rishikesh, India. As the three co-founders of Dharma Ground, we wish to acknowledge both the gift of this map of consciousness from Sri Swami Balyogi Premvarni as well as his reportedly harmful behavior towards female students (read more).
Dharma Ground is in the lineage of the Theravada Insight tradition. Dharma Ground teachers are authorized Insight Meditation teachers and uphold the Teacher Code of Ethics.
We take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. We aspire to walk this path of liberation in community, with dignity and integrity, for the benefit of all beings, in this life, just as it is.
Founding Teachers
Phillip Moffitt
Dana DePalma
Tuere Sala
Ying Chen
Alex Haley
Board Members
Stephanie Antoine
Mariann Johnson
Stan Leopard
Tuere Sala
Dana DePalma